My purpose in the world is to help create paths for the pursuit of mastery in martial art and the physical, emotional, and spiritual journeys that accompany them.
Devon Boorman
Welcome to Path of the Sword. This site is devoted to helping fellow travellers on their journey of mastery in European martial arts.
Mastery is a holistic process that requires not only learning and disciplined practice but a desire to meet and confront the inner barriers and demons that present themselves when pursuing excellence.
The writings and resources presented here, from the blog, to the learning materials, to the podcast, seek to offer guidance on meeting the barriers and opportunities that come up in this journey and to help others find their own footing on this rewarding and challenging path.

Devon Boorman is a world renowned international instructor and competitor of Historical European Martial Arts. He has been practicing and teaching martial arts for more than 30 years. He is the author of one book and two DVDs on Italian Rapier and Longsword; and he is the founder, Director and Master Instructor of Academie Duello Centre for Swordplay in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Greg Reimer has been studying Italian martial arts since 2006, and has taught over 5,500 hours of unarmed, dagger, rapier (and secondaries), sidesword & buckler, longsword, pole weapons and mounted combat. As Director of Swordfight Canada he has traveled across North America as a competitor, teacher, and evangelist of European Martial Arts.