Nearly everything we work with today is written by instructors for a consumer audience. These notes provide an invaluable alternate view into the hist…
At the end of July we hosted the Vancouver Martial Challenge at Academie Duello in Vancouver, and it was a tremendous weekend of inter-disciplinary sp…
The benefit of practicing a martial system that includes multiple disciplines is that this learning from alternate perspectives is baked in. It is als…
If you can practice with other folks, in person, that is really the best way to learn a martial art. HEMA groups predominantly fall into a few categor…
Our goal is to help people find the path of mastery. To develop an understanding of the art on a deep and fundamental level in multiple dimensions and…
Putting yourself out into the world is a surefire way to invite criticism. All who *do* encounter those who detract. Yet is there really any other way…
Istanbul is a city steeped in both European and Asian history. Every site you visit reveals layer upon layer of history that goes back at least 2000 y…
A little more than a week ago I was arriving in Italy to the sala of Roberto Gotti for a special gathering of swordsmen called Giocatore. This was a w…