We just finished our last curriculum week for the year at Academie Duello. It will be two weeks before we're back onto our regular program, and depend…
To create something doesn't take much. Just a start. From that start, with some love, rhythm, and resilience, you can create something really special …
It can be challenging to fail your own students. I care for them and empathize with both the disappointment and frustration. As a teacher I share in t…
The act of sharing something with others increases retention, understanding, and personal fulfillment. The most important thing is to realize being a …
Those to whom we offer respect and friendship become a type of leader in our lives, and we look to leaders to share with us their ideas on how to live…
If you can kick butt, does that make you a martial artist? Not necessarily. If you seek to be an artist, you must first develop the palette. That mean…