Awesome Workshops at the Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium

VISS 2013 is approaching, and we’re excited to announce a first look at our workshop lineup!

We are proud to offer two styles of workshops at VISS. The first style offers a more in-depth look into various topics, with work that will build across three days of classes.

Topics for this style of workshop include:

  • “Understanding Armizare – a Walking Tour of Fiore dei Liberi’s Art of Arms”, by Greg Mele
  • “Three days of Italian Rapier”, by Tom Leoni “No one can defend himself without danger”
  • Lichtenauer’s Art in Three Weapons,by Jessica Finlay
  • “Three days of Iberian Swordplay”, by Eric Meyers and Puck Curtis

In addition we also have single-session workshops to explore:

  • Does Fiore Wind?, taught by Sean Hayes
  • Classical Italian Dueling Sabre, taught by Sean Hayes
  • Burgundian Pollaxe: Le Jeu de la Hache (part I), taught by Jason Smith
  • Burgundian Pollaxe: Le Jeu de la Hache (part II), taught by Jason Smith
  • Pommel Play, taught by Jason Smith
  • German Medieval Dagger, taught by Christian Tobler
  • Sword and Buckler of the Liechtenauer Tradition, taught by Christian Tobler
  • Applied Combatives: Improve Your Fight, taught by Devon Boorman
  • Rapier Disarms, taught by Devon Boorman
  • Bringing Down the Big Guy, taught by David McCormick
  • Italian Stick Fencing, taught by Marco Quarta
  • Abracar and Sine Armis: The art and tradition of unarmed fighting in Italy, taught by Marco Quarta

Mix deep-dive classes with single-session workshops for a unique learning experience.

A reminder that early-bird registration is rapidly approaching. A full symposium pass is only $299 until Dec 31, 2012!

Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium 2013
Feb 15-17, 2013

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