There are a lot of reasons for not training at home, we sometimes tell ourselves. But how to counter those arguments, and make it (nearly) effortless …
Mindset can feel chemical and mercurial. If I have a good start to training then everything is great, but if something goes sideways it can feel unrec…
Today the main driver of specialization is competition. By specializing, a combatant can focus every hour of their training on a single end, whether t…
Many people ask me what my reason is for practicing something that is arguably esoteric and a few centuries past its true usefulness. The answer may n…
The most essential part of a practice system is its regularity. Generally the individual who practices more consistently over the long-term will see l…
Being able to perform a technique with the least amount of extra movement and in a manner that does the job as directly as possible is essential to hi…
When students are first learning to use slow work, one of the biggest challenges is maintaining a consistent speed and strength, not spiking up to a m…