Registration is open! The event, which takes place from April 5-7, is a conference focused around intensive three-day programs with an aim to help peo…
Not only is swordplay a wonderfully fun and fulfilling physical activity, it is also a great way to build physical health and to do so in a low impact…
Full speed sparring is a type of simulation that has a hard time approximating the real world, and as training environments go it is not focused enoug…
Slow sparring is used in boxing, MMA training, diverse Eastern martial arts, as well as sharing many similarities to slow tactical training exercises …
I recently visited many groups in all the major cities of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and found myself reiterating over and over why I was the…
If my only need was to survive martial encounters in a specific environment, I would most certainly focus my practice on the narrowest set of skills w…
One of the primary benefits to practicing assaults is that they provide a means to build your strength and capacity with moving your weapon (or weapon…
One of the most challenging things to deal with in sparring is the mental or emotional intensity of a very forward motivated opponent, someone who thr…
This event sought to rid its attendees of at least some aspects of its ignorance of the art of arms as taught by Marozzo and his contemporaries in ear…