Elevating our teachers to a realm beyond what is humanly achievable can be a strategy for minimizing our own expectations, and thus our disappointment…
For many these are the learning skills that they've had the most practice with, since our school system focuses so much on them. It may not be that yo…
This week I'm exploring kinesthetic learning, which can be understood as the act of learning by feeling or doing. Kinesthetic sense is often best enga…
For this week's post in our continuing series on empowered learning I am going to suggest some strategies for maximizing our auditory learning abiliti…
Visual learning is the process of learning a new skill by seeing it demonstrated or receiving correction through visual modeling. Here are a few thing…
Your learning is only based partly on the effectiveness of your teacher. It is largely based on your own personal effectiveness as a learner. Good tea…
As tournaments (and competition in general) started to wane for me, I needed new ways to explore and deepen my passion for my art. I found that many o…
Having a solid approach to safety in your group is important for retaining members, keeping your body healthy, and for creating the space for experime…
Don't think this material is just for beginners. We've endeavoured to be very thorough about the mechanics, structure, and fine points of each techniq…