Feeling in a bit of a slump in your sparring? Perhaps overwhelmed or under-challenged? Sparring games, where you create restrictions and alternate obj…
Classes are a great place to learn, but building proficiency is what happens in between learning sessions. Here are five ways you can make the most of…
I've seen students haltingly muddle through each and every motion of a technique, attempting to perfect it while in progress. I also see them judging …
Rhythm is the most important thing to cultivate on the path to mastery. Whether you leverage our online course or simply get started with your own pra…
There are many techniques, tricks, and traps one can employ, with relatively little practice, that will score you some hits on mediocre fencers. The c…
It takes practice to meet challenges, recover from failures, and take stock in growth. I think one of the most valuable things that martial arts, and …
Over the month of January Academie Duello and Duello.TV hosted a 30-day swordplay training challenge. Along with weekly groups of practical exercises …